E-Challan System and Fines for Traffic Violators, E-Challan System, Comes Into Effect in Lahore.

What is E Challan System all about?
This system will be taking into account with all the violations as adding with the over-speeding, illegal u-turns, as well as breaking the signals and ignoring traffic signs as the authorities would monitor that with the help of CCTV cameras installed throughout the city.
As through the detection of the violation of rules, an e-ticket fine will be somehow generated by the system that would, later on, sent to the side of the violator via courier service. As in the range to eliminate any mistake during the process of sending e-ticket, the picture by the bottom of the number plate of the vehicle under violation will straight attached with the challan.
E-Challan System and Fines for Traffic Violators, E-Challan System, Comes Into Effect in Lahore.How does E Challan System work?
 This system will be working out in the way that it will hence store all the previous record of the violators set with the date and place of incident. The Punjab Police will confiscate any vehicle which belongs to any person that is detected violating the rules just as over and over again.